Professional Supplier of Nano-Targeted Drug Scientific Research Products

Biotinylation Reagents

Biotin-PEG6-t-butyl ester | CAS 1352814-07-3

Catalog: TASK-36-1000066   CAS NO.: 1352814-07-3
  • 1g


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Biotin-PEG6-t-butyl ester serves as a versatile tool in biochemical and biotechnological research, providing a means to specifically label, purify, and study biomolecules both in vitro and in vivo. Its applications range from fundamental studies in molecular biology to advanced applications in drug delivery and diagnostics, highlighting its importance in biomedical research. T-Butyl Ester is a protective group attached to the carboxylic acid of biotin. This group is often used in organic chemistry to protect sensitive functional groups from reactions or hydrolysis under certain conditions.


CAS No.1352814-07-3
Molecular Weight635.8
Ship Within1 week
Storage Temp.-20℃
Shipping4-25℃ for up to 3 weeks
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