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Biotinylation Reagents

Biotin TEG Phosphoramidite | CAS 198080-44-3

Catalog: TASK-36-1000069   CAS NO.: 198080-44-3
  • 250mg


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Biotin TEG Phosphoramidite is used in automated DNA synthesis to introduce biotin and a TEG spacer into oligonucleotides. This allows researchers to create biotinylated DNA or RNA probes for various applications, such as hybridization assays, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), sequencing, and gene synthesis. TEG (Triethylene glycol) is a hydrophilic spacer group that consists of three ethylene glycol units. TEG spacers are commonly used in bioconjugation to increase the solubility and flexibility of conjugates, reduce steric hindrance, and minimize non-specific interactions with biological molecules. Phosphoramidites are derivatives of nucleosides or nucleotides that are modified for incorporation into synthetic DNA or RNA strands.


CAS No.198080-44-3
Molecular Weight1010.2
Ship Within1 week
Storage Temp.2-8℃
Shipping4-25℃ for up to 3 weeks
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