Professional Supplier of Nano-Targeted Drug Scientific Research Products

Click Chemistry


Catalog: TASK-20-5002053   CAS NO.: N/A
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huA33-TCO can be used in targeted therapies against cancers expressing the A33 antigen. The TCO group allows the conjugation of therapeutic agents (such as drugs, toxins, or radioactive isotopes) that are tetrazine-modified, ensuring site-specific delivery to A33-expressing tumor cells. Besides, the TCO functionality enables huA33-TCO to be labeled with tetrazine-modified imaging probes for positron emission tomography (PET) or single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). When administered, huA33-TCO binds specifically to cancer cells that express the A33 antigen, allowing for high-resolution imaging of tumors in real time. This is useful for cancer diagnosis, staging, and monitoring treatment response.


Molecular WeightN/A
Ship Within1 week
Storage Temp.N/A
Shipping4-25℃ for up to 3 weeks
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