Professional Supplier of Nano-Targeted Drug Scientific Research Products

Biotinylation Reagents

TAMRA-Azide-PEG-Biotin | CAS 1797415-74-7

Catalog: TASK-36-1000059   CAS NO.: 1797415-74-7
  • 5mg
  • 25mg


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TAMRA-Azide-PEG-Biotin combines the fluorescence of TAMRA, the bioorthogonal reactivity of azide, the flexibility of PEG, and the specific binding capability of biotin. TAMRA is a red fluorescent dye belonging to the rhodamine family. It is widely used as a fluorescent tag due to its bright emission, good photostability, and compatibility with various imaging techniques such as fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Azide-functionalized compounds can react selectively with alkynes (such as alkynes on TAMRA-Azide-PEG-Biotin) under mild conditions to form stable triazole linkages. Biotin is a vitamin (B7) that forms a strong, non-covalent bond with avidin and streptavidin proteins. Biotin is commonly used as a tag or label in bioconjugation applications to facilitate purification, detection, or targeting of biomolecules.


CAS No.1797415-74-7
Molecular Weight1174.4
Ship Within1 week
Storage Temp.-20℃
Shipping4-25℃ for up to 3 weeks
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